Pricing List

Our burial plots can either be purchased in advance or at the time of need.  Plots are available in the woodland areas or in the adjoining meadows.

When you purchase a burial plot you are purchasing a Right of Burial which is granted for a period of ninety nine years, the maximum permissible in law. However, this does not imply that we have any intention to resell the grave or reuse it in any way that may cause disturbance to any human remains buried there.

The Burial Plot 

This is paid either in advance or at the time of need.  The advantage of a pre-purchase is the price is fixed at the time of purchase and you can also reserve a specific plot.

Standard Burial Plot: £750.

Interment of Ashes: £400. If you would like us to do the digging and backfilling this will be an additional £50.

There is no charge for the scattering of ashes with a small intimate group but we do ask if you could please make a donation towards the upkeep of the site.

Admin Cost and Grave Preparation

This is only paid at the time of the funeral and covers the prevailing costs of funeral administration, mapping of the grave location, certifying the burial and gravedigging.



Once you have booked the plot, if you change your mind within 28 days we will refund your payment in full.

If you decide to cancel any time after the 28 days, under exceptional circumstances, we may be prepared to refund the cost, less a £100 admin charge.