Dealing with Death
To help in a difficult time, we have compiled a useful resource to assist with the planning and organising a natural funeral. There can be a lot of misinfomation about the subject, so we hope this can make the subject clearer. This document can be found here.
Burial Methods
We can not accept bodies that have been embalmed prior to burial. This is to prevent the leaching of formaldehyde into the ground and local water table. Coffins and shrouds must be biodegradeable and contain no plastics. There are a wide range of materials and styles now available, including cardboard, wool, timber, bamboo, willow and even banana. Prices vary considerably. We can help you choose and you may be able to purchase via us. We can supply a brochure of the coffins and shrouds we can supply. Please note that there is a weight limit for cardboard coffins of 23 stone and shoulder width of 25 inches.
Memorial Trees and Plants
Memorial Benches
We have had a lot of interest in the placement of benches on or near graves. We do allow this in areas where there are not currently benches, and we can provide rugged benches made from timber sourced from nearby woodlands (prices on request). We also reserve the right to replace and or remove benches that are rotting and/or in an unsafe condition.
The burial grounds are situated in a native deciduous woodland, interspersed with wild flower meadows. We encourage the planting of flowers and trees on graves, but we please ask that you keep it to just native species and/or wild flowers. The best plants are ones that attract insects and are shade tolerant.
Items Left on Graves
We have a no plastics policy. Only natural, cut flowers can be left on grave sites (no artificial or plastic flowers/wreaths) which will be composted after one week. We also cannot accept flower arrangements in Oasis Floral Foam due to its environmental impact. So please check with your florist to make sure they do not use this.